It’s been over 2 years since they came into our lives and told Americans they couldn’t run their businesses, go to work, school, church, or outside.
When we reopened @theatilisgym we had no idea it would be this hard of a fight.
We just knew it wasn’t right, and we were going to stand our ground for ourselves, our families, and the rights of all Americans.
Phil @govmurphy and his cowardly cronies at the Health Department, the AG’s office, the Sheriff’s Department, and his lackey Judge Robert Lougy tried to bury us.
90+ citations
9 criminal charges
10 members w/ citations
Frank and I arrested
Member arrested
Changed our locks
Backed up our plumbing
Boarded up our building
$15,497.76/day fine for 5 months
$173,000 seized
Personal assets seized
+$300k legal bills
And they took our business license.
Our ability to pursue the American dream.
All for what? We were right all along. To date, 391,683 visits to our facility and people got healthier, happier, and better.
Well, it paid off.
The township folded. They reinstated our business license. It took them 2 years to realize that nothing would make us kneel.
The fight is far from over, but from the bottom of our hearts we are sending out the
biggest of thanks to the community that kept us safe, gave us a reason to fight, and picked us up every single time we got knocked down.
No matter how determined we were, it would not have been possible to weather the storm if it were just us. Our members, the local community, the people of New Jersey, around the country, and around the world made it all possible.
We made it. 2 years without charging a single member - just donations and TShirt sales. All the legal bills, fines, normal overhead, and safety equipment. We were able to do it because of you all.
Thank you all again.
If you’re a member, we’re going to get everyone signed up in the next few days and resume billing April 15th.
As always. No nonsense. $30/mo. No fees of any kind.
In addition, we are introducing our FREE EXERCISE program. If you are in need of this, contact us privately and your membership will be taken care of. If you are interested in donating to this program, let us know
I was in NC during the scamdemic. I’m back home in Jersey now. I couldn’t believe the unlawful, unconstitutional bullshit that happened to you guys. I couldn’t believe the idiots following the likes of the CDC and FDA. Murphy, Biden and their cronies are the enemies from within. God Bless You for standing up and not folding to thier tyranny agenda and narrative. Hang tough guys. I’ll be in to meet you and shake the hands of true American Patriots.
Did these guys setup a PMA Private Membership Association? Seems like the only way to escape the statutory side of this govt.
It takes real courage to stand up for your beliefs when the whole world is standing down. I’m proud of you for fighting back, and proud to wear your hoodie to spread the word and show support in Utah.
Thank you for saving our country. The world owes you an unpayable debt.
As a leader of an online forum about Private Membership Associations, I’m very curious if switching from an LLC to a PMA was actually (ultimately) helpful, or did doing so just muddy the waters. My concern is that if the executive and judicial branches of government simply ignore the constitutional limitations on them in regards to PMAs, then what’s the point?