
Ian Smith
Thank you again - the fight continues!

Thank you again - the fight continues!

It’s been over 2 years since they came into our lives and told Americans they couldn’t run their businesses, go to work, school, church, or outside. When we reopened @theatilisgym we had no idea it would be this hard of a fight. We just knew it wasn’t right, and we were going to stand our ground for ourselves, our families, and the rights of all Americans. Phil @govmurphy and his cowardly cronies at the Health Department, the AG’s office, the Sheriff’s Department, and his lackey Judge Robert Lougy tried to bury us. 90+ citations 9 criminal charges 10 members w/...

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Ian Smith
Atilis Gym Bellmawr Legal Battle Update

Atilis Gym Bellmawr Legal Battle Update

In less than 2 months we will enter our 3rd year of the C-19 fiasco. 8 weeks after the initial shutdown orders, Atilis Gym Bellmawr reopened its doors to resume its service to our community and members. We made that decision confidently, for many reasons, but above all was to fight to protect the rights of Americans to not be subject to oppressive government measures. We did so because we felt it was in the best interest of our community to do so. Most of you are familiar with what happened next: Over 80 municipal citations including “violation of a...

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Ian Smith
An intro and a thank you post.

An intro and a thank you post.

We have come so far and that would not have been possible had it just been Frank and I and our members. More people could have imagined knew came to support us and that support has only magnified in intensity and number as this fight approaches 2 years. 

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